Balloon Angioplasty

Balloon angioplasty is a procedure to enlarge the opening in a blood vessel using a long, thin tube called a catheter comprising a small balloon at its tip. The increasing popularity of angioplasty is due to its ability to increase blood flow through blood vessels without any kind of surgery.

This procedure is considered to be the best and most effective way of treating coronary heart diseases that are often caused by obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drug abuse, and family history of heart problems. Coronary disease occur when fat or cholesterol plaque builds up in the inner walls of the arteries that further causes a clogging or narrowing of the vessel opening.

In this balloon angioplasty procedure, a small balloon is inflated inside the vessel that further dilates the arterial way and increase the opening of a clogged blood vessel, thereby facilitating increased blood flow to the heart. The materials used for making these balloons are characterized by strength and flexibility and the commonly used materials are plastic and nylon depending on the requirements and preference of the manufacturer. These materials are extruded into a tube shape that is further formed into a balloon through blow molding.

Advantages of Balloon Angioplasty
There are many advantages of this method over the other methods like by-pass surgery and cardiac catheterization. Some of the significant advantages are listed below:

. Safest and less invasive procedure
. Recovery through this procedure is shorter and less painful than other surgical procedure.
. It is performed under local anesthesia and no hospitalization is required.
. Risks are smaller and lesser than by pass surgery.
. The chest is not opened in this kind of procedure and this significantly reduces scarring.
. No heart-lung machine is required which when used often increases the possibility of heart attack and heart stroke.

Possible Risks and Complications of Balloon Angioplasty
Although balloon angioplasty is a safe procedure and eliminate the need of surgery, but yet there are certain risks and complications that are often associated with this method. Some of the possible risks of angioplasty are as follows:
. Short term pain
. Minor infection
. Bleeding
. Nausea
. Allergic reaction
. Bruising or scarring
. Irregular heart beat
. Lung or heart failure
. Heart attack
. Blood clot
. Reclosure of the artery

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